The Things You Will Do for a Sister

Carrie is eight-years-old. She and her sister, Emma live with their mother and stepfather. He drinks too much and is physically abusive to them. Carrie's memories of her father and how he died are interwoven into the story to explain how they got into this predicament and contrasts the prior nurturing with the current abuse. Little by little, Carrie and her sister decide they must put an end to it, and since running away didn't work, it appears they only have one other option.
This powerful story, narrated by Carrie, deftly reveals the psychological effects of child abuse. The storytelling is controlled and the nuances of how the abuse impacts Carrie and her family is incredibly well done. I thought it was going to be a straight forward story about Carrie's struggles with life at home, but this became a psychological thriller/mystery towards the end. I was so positively surprised that I am now on the sequel - What Happened to My Sister?